Got a lift to the bus booking office. Fortunately we weren’t leaving from the Ubungo terminal where you have to navigate through hundreds of buses to find yours. Left 06:15 in a comfortable Tahmeed bus and just under 6 hrs later we were in Tanga. I had pointed out to Rich in Dar that my ticket said Dar to Tanga but he assured me that it covered me to Mombasa. Well, it didn’t, and I had to pay an extra 15000tsh – about 5 pounds.
Just over an hour later we arrived at the border. Was slightly apprehensive because I needed a Kenya visa and I always envisage problems ……. After a few minutes I was called into the immigration office where the guy was very pleasant and said the easiest thing was to change the 1 month ( that I got in Nbi and which had expired ) into a 3 month and that would take me up to 28 Dec. Then I needed to go to immigration in Mombasa to extend it. All fine … I gave him the 50usd fee which he flung into a desk drawer, and left. Phew, but later I realised I had no receipt, so the 50usd would have gone from the drawer into his pocket !!
Quick and uneventful trip to Mombasa, including the ferry crossing at Likoni. A few months ago, or less, a car rolled off the back of a ferry midstream and the mother and daughter drowned. I think that even after nearly a week , divers couldn’t retrieve the car…..I presume they did eventually but I must follow up on the story.
Was looking forward to checking into the New Palm Tree htl on Sunday but as I approached I noticed the sign was missing. The only ‘sign’ was a notice on the door saying closed for refurbishment….grr. the only hotel I’d ever stayed in, in Mombasa over the last 30 yrs or so. Managed to find the Lotus htl a couple of blocks down towards Fort Jesus. 50% more expensive, but what to do.
Quickly sorted myself out in the room and went for a couple of beers at the Fantasy bar then a chicken stew with rice at Fontanella then back to the bar at the hotel. On Monday morning I used my Mpesa account on my phone for the second time ever to send some money to Charles in Nbi.
I took a Matatu across the Nyali bridge and to the beach at Bamburi- Pirates. No swimming as the water was muddy. There’s a little stream that empties into the sea and it deposited a lot of mud from the recent heavy rains. Had a soda at the Big They are finally repairing the front wall was which was destroyed by big tides a few years ago. Dad used to like going to the Big Tree and Torsten and Gabriella have been there.
On Tues I only had a 10 minute walk to the immigration office. I queued in the wrong place initially…only wasting half an hour or so. But the administrator gave a wry smile when I explained what happened at the border…..she said ‘ he shouldn’t have done that ‘ !!!! I went across the road to the foreigners immigration office and very quickly got my extension till 27/03 at a small cost of 2000ksh – about 16 pounds. So that was an excellent result and meant I didn’t have to make trip to Nbi to get Charles to help me.
Visited the area around Fort Jesus for a couple of hours; visited Fantasy for a couple of beers; had chicken curry somewhere; planned to leave for Kilifi the next day.
Was totally confused about how long the journey would take. Based on a previous trip, I gave myself 3 – 4 hrs to get there but it only took an hour and a half. I suppose being a shuttle Matatu as opposed to one that stops all the time..helps !! Checked into the Titanic htl and managed to get a small price reduction on the room..from 2500 to 2000. Swim trunks on and a 45 minute walk to the beach. A couple of hours there….. Within 30 seconds of taking out my Chevda snacks a black crow landed 10 feet away to investigate. Seconds later another 3 arrived, then within a minute another 7. Of course the film Birds came to mind and it was quite spooky. They were only a few feet away and it was pretty scary. Waving my hands and shouting just made them jump and squawk. Decided to take a picture but they were very camera shy and flew off.
Walked half an hour to the Zimbabwe bar to meet Maina for a drink. Remind me not to mix beers and whisky!!! Boda boda back to the hotel , and after a shower I realised wasn’t able to go out again, and I went to bed without having any dinner !