Initially spent Tues 14th in the Nbi Java coffee house using their WiFi. At midday I walked to the matatu stage to get a matatu to the suburb of Karen. Walked around the shops and visited another coffee house before going to check out the shopping complex called the Hub. Late afternoon I started the 20 minutes walk to Evan’s house. I stopped on the way at a bar where I got talking to a Kenyan who was reacquainting himself with his homeland, having spent 20 years living in America.

Got to the family home to find everyone looking very well. Just my luck that it was Evan/Elizabeth 59th wedding anniversary and cousin Helen treated the four of us to a Japanese dinner. The food was absolutely delicious and it was my second experience of a Japanese restaurant, the first being in Queenstown NZ in Nov ’18.

The next 2 days were pretty relaxed. Walked to the Karen dukas (shops) for some exercise. I looked all around the garden for chameleons ….. something we did with Torsten and Gabriella when they were little….but none to be seen. On Thurs afternoon I visited my cousin Stavro’s daughter Sophie & husband Jamie and two daughters.

Fri 17th, awoke at 05:00, left the house at 05:30 to catch a matatu to the City. Only took 20 mins. So, just after 06:00 I was looking for buses to Voi. As they weren’t leaving until after 08:00, I followed a guy to where a Nissan Shuttle would be leaving for Voi. 07:00 We were on our way. I usually estimate 6 hrs for the journey so the fact that it took 5 and quarter hrs was excellent going.

It took an hour for the matatu to Taveta to fill up, then we were off. One small worry along the way when the driver pulled over because the brakes weren’t working very well. 15mins and they were fixed and off again. I saw 4 elephants way off in the distance and thought that was it…but at least I saw some. However, about 10 minutes later we came across a herd of about 8, and one of which was right by the side of the road…. Very exciting.

Reached Taveta. Went to check out the room that I’ve rented for 6000ksh per month. That compares with paying 1000ksh per night in a hotel. That night I had a mattress to sleep on. By the next night I had a bed to put the mattress on. And yesterday I bought a mosquito net and soap powder. Getting sorted; just need a comfortable pillow.

On Sun 19th I cycled to Lake Challa. Nice ride despite the fact that getting there is slightly up hill and I had a breeze against me. Went passed a curio shop and heard ‘Tony..Tony’ ….. aaah, somebody who knew Dad. On the way back I stopped for a coffee and a chat with her. The colour of the lake wasn’t at its deep blue best. Lake Challa is a volcanic lake…formed in an extinct volcano. 20 yrs ago in 2000, as a family, we stayed for 10 days at a Lodge on the crater rim. We were the last guests ever to stay at the lodge…in fact it was opened especially for us. Sadly the lodge has become a ruin.

The return journey was going brilliantly…slightly down hill, following wind. Then, the bicycle seat suddenly caused me some discomfort. The seat post…the metal pole from the seat into the bike frame….suddenly bent backwards. Took some effort, but luckily 2 guys walking by helped me straighten it. Got to the tarmac…and a bit more rough road…and the post bent back again. Had just reached Darajani and was passing a repair shop and the owner straightened it enough for me to carefully ride home. Met up with Kristin for a drink. No beer available so I had a couple of cups of mnazi…Palm wine.

Yesterday was quiet…put up the net. Used my new bowl to wash some clothes. Today Bonny passed through on his way to Arusha and Maasai Mara. We all had lunch..