Sun 17th. I got up early in order to have breakfast before getting a matatu to Mombasa. Got going quickly and it was a good trip. We had to get off before Nyali bridge and transfer to another matatu; something that happens every now and again, but is very confusing when first encountered. The balance of your fare gets handed over to the new conductor, so not incurring extra cost. When I realised the matatu was going all the way to the ferry, I paid the extra 20 bob and didn’t have to change vehicles.

Some social distancing was being observed on the ramp, but once the gates opened there was the usual mad rush to get aboard the ferry. I could see the new floating bridge and just a shame I couldn’t use it. What I hadn’t realised was that it couldn’t be in operation all the time as it folded sideways to let ships up and down the creek. On reaching Likoni I got the Shimoni bus but only as far as Ukunda.

I had a soda. Bought some Chevda from the supermarket. Watched a lady at the checkout who had obviously bought way too much stuff for the money she had and had to return most of the items. Took a tuk tuk to Diani shopping centre and bought some phone credit nearby. I walked to the Diani Campsite where I stayed with Dad and the kids in 2010. The year of the Iceland volcano when the kids were forced to stay in Kenya for an extra week. I chatted to the same owner/manager and we reminisced about the days of Tradewinds and Dan Trench. Had a quick look at the beach and what looked like the log where Dad Sat and lit his pipe under my favourite kikoi and burned a few holes in it.

After some disagreements on price with a couple of tuk tuk drivers, at the fourth attempt I paid what I deemed to be the correct price of 50 instead of 100 bob. Reached the end of the tarmac and I walked towards the beach and found Soul Breeze beach bar for an enjoyable couple of beers. Very relaxed feel about the place with a lot of kite surfers. Caught a boda to Rupert’s place after he had given me directions, and in fact passed him on his way to play tennis. His house is right on the beach…..a thin strip of beach at this point. After Diani is Galu beach and then Kinondo where there is more coral. Had a nice chat with Esther and treated to lobster for dinner.

Mon 18. Relaxing start to the day with breakfast at 10. Walked up the beach passed Pinewood and towards Neptune and Soul Breeze. At one point the seaweed was so thick my legs sunk in as far as my calves…very weird not knowing what lay beneath all the seaweed. Had a swim beyond Soul Breeze then just sat on the beach. Another swim and one drink at Soul Breeze then walked slowly back to the house, ensuring I beat the incoming tide. No-one in the house for ages so I wrote up my blog. Then a nice pasta and meat sauce dinner followed by gin and tonic.

Tues 19th. After breakfast I took a boda up to junction on the main road. Got a matatu to the Shimon junction then boda to Shimoni. Walked to Jannett’s to say hi…and meet her sister and niece from RSA.

By mid afternoon I left to find accommodation for the night. Shimoni Reef were charging 5000. Wasini View charging 6500. Walk all the way to Shimoni gardens but no accommod as they were renovating. Back up the road in another attempt to get a discount from Wasini View…but no chance. However, I wad pointed in the direction of Kisite Guest house, mote in the the middle of the village. Got a room for a 1000….self contained…fan…mosquito net…very comfortable. Reacquainted myself with Smugglers bar and uncle Sam an Humphrey. Had lunch at Jannett’s so didn’t need dinner.

Wed 20th. Phoned Shakur after breakfast and came and picked me on his boda and took me to the junction. From there I got a matatu to Kenya Kesho School for Girls….only 10 mins away. I had seen the school in it’s completed state before, but not with pupils being taught in the classrooms. It’s where I spent over 2 months digging trenches to prepare for a vegetable garden to provide the girls with one free meal a day. The veg garden seemed to be working out the last time I passed by, but from what I saw the other day it looks like a failed experiment.

Visited Jannett and then watched the US inauguration from Smugglers.

Have been developing a bit of a routine. Mahindi choma ( roast maize ) for lunch. The beach. Very cheap dinners….in the region of 40p to 50p.

No visiting on Thurs. I moved bedroom as the whole place is being refurbished. Fortunately travelling very lightweight..just my small backpack. Yesterday I managed to see Peter at least, for just over an hour.

And today, Sat, another slow day. Am on the beach surrounded by coral outcrops writing up my blog. Moved room again. Shall say goodbye to various people during the course of the day, as I’ll be leaving for Mombasa tomorrow morning. This morning I watched tourists arriving to go on a snorkelling excursion to Kisite ocean park, followed by a lunch on Wasini island. I went over to the island a couple of years ago….had an overpriced lunch…not interested in the snorkelling. Anyhow, a very pleasant stay in Shimoni…just chilling on my last day.