Not a huge amount happening in these 10 days. Had seen a sign for Madulu Springs opposite the turn off to lake challa so I made that a cycling target. Well, there was a stream there and people washing clothes and cows drinking from the stream, but no springs as such. A group of kids with donkeys had gone there to fill jerry cans with water. Return journey always easier slightly down hill and with a following wind. Unfortunately I was concentrating on the oncoming boda boda before I could cross over onto the good side of the road, and my tyres slipped from under me. I fell off the bike…slightly grades but banged my knees. I bent one pedal ‘ shaft ‘ and for the fourth time in a row I called in on the repair man at Darajani to get me mobile again. I said I gave him extra money last time so that should cover it, but he replied that was another day another issue, and I paid up the 20 pence !!
I met Kristin in Taveta for a drink. The place had no beers so I went easy with a couple of cups of palm wine.
On Sat 25th I went to a funeral in Challa of a friend of Dad’s. Coincidentally Dad was buried only 100 meters or so away. I can see why Dad objected to the traditional way of dealing the grave. They put wood over the opening, followed by a piece of corrugated sheet, a metal grate and hammered it all down with nails. I think they ultimately cover it with cement. Dad felt it was as if you were never to be thought of again…truly banished…and that’s why he wanted a proper grave where he could be remembered.
Middle of the week I went with Kristin the illegal way across into TZ on boda boda to have some kiti moto. I had no choice as I didn’t have a visa at that point. It was a fun half hour ride on rough roads. I was only told afterwards that TZ authorities often raid that area for contraband goods and people without relevant papers. Shall think twice before doing it again.
An acquaintance of Dad’s ..Rupert from Germany…called by on his motorbike. He was on his way to Amboselli game park so was passing Challa. He drove us to Dad’s grave, after which he carried on and I took a boda boda back to Taveta.
On Fri 31st I cycled to the border to get a TZ visa. Something told me to give it some extra time. I was right, it took a couple of hours. It took half an hour for someone to come to the Kenya immigration window…but minor compared with what was to follow. I wanted an ordinary 3 month tourist visa but the officer said my status had changed from Business to Tourist. I argued that the 3 month business had expired and was no longer relevant, and anyway I had been out of the country for a few weeks. He said technically I needed a special pass costing usd600. Forget it I said !! Then he pointed out I had bypassed the official route in getting my business visa in Oct. I should have got a work permit first and the NGO should’ve applied for it …blah, blah. As usual immigration hold all all the cards and are in total control. So, with smiles and agreeing to disagree, I asked where we go from here. Of course we can do ‘something ‘ he said !! In the end I got a 3 months visa but instead of USD 50 it cost me about usd85 !!!! Oh well. Luckily I know the guys at the border, otherwise things would be more difficult.
Then it was preparing for Moshi the following day.